She's A Bitch
Do you just say it or do you ask if it's ok?
Recently I had a guy call me a bitch and it caught me off guard.
I told him he shouldnt talk to me like that and he felt that there was nothing wrong with saying it.
He basically said a dog is a males best friend and female dogs are called bitches so why can't he call me a bitch...
In my mind he just dug himself in a deeper hole because then I felt he was comparing females to animals.
Then he went on to say how females call guys "niggas" but thats suppose to be okay.
He then went on to say "I'm your nigga and your my bitch"
Everyone will not percieve this word in the same sense but no one can be correct in deciding if it's ok or not, it's gonna come down to what your preference is
There are many ways in which this word is/can be used:
Some females couldn't care less.
Some females make up their own definition of what the word means.
Females exchange these words and there is never a fight about it -
There are a few acceptable exceptions when it comes to this word and the two that I am most familiar with are:
- If a gay guy says it to a female
- If a guy tells a female she's a "bad bitch"
We choose when it's ok and when it's not.
There are alot more ways this word can be used but those are just a few examples.
I posted a status on Facebook -somehow the end of the status was cut off - but it said:
Why can females call each other b*tches but guys can't call a female a b*tch ? Not that I'd approve a guy calling me a b*tch. A guy said it 2 me like it was nothing n I shared some words w. him n he said "Why can you n ur friends call each other that but when I say it it's a problem?"
Below are a few of the responses:
Tris: It shows no respect
Marv: Same rules apply with the N word.
The word Bitch itself is harmless but it is the intent behind the word.
Bitch is a word men use to degrade women...same as "N" white ppl used that word to degrade black ppl so i neva feel comfy even when white friends say it....its neva kool because its a direct reflection of that hate.
Derek: It depends on how he says it and the kind of relationship ya'll have. its almost the same situation with people sayin nigga
Reese: If ur relationship with dude is at a point where ya;; can talk freely without offendin each other then its all wit us guys we call each other niggas all day but da min a non-black person says it its a problem...unless that person has a relationship or "HOOD PASS" where no on e is offended by dem sayin nigga.
Bryant: I mean its demeaning I understand, but if your not that word why take offense to it. If I got mad at every person I heard say nigga or nigger it would be ridiculous, so I just tend to not worry about it.
...coming from the perspective of both scenarios are wrong saying nigga, nigger, bitch, female dog, or what have you and that there is no reason any of these terms should really be used. Peoplefought for all that to stop, but yet it continues lol. It's like women sufferage & bigotry were never around. That's just my opinion and all of us are right no matter how you slice it!
( I didnt copy and paste all the responses but I chose the most detailed )
I thought the ladies would step up to the plate on this one but surprisingly they didnt.
I really enjoyed the response from the fellas, gave me a different view of this topic.
I also recieved a few response on twitter however I didn't save them like I thought I did.
My reason for posting a blog about this topic is not to argue who is right or wrong.
I posted this topic because I was curious on how other people look at this situation.
I also posted this because I was contradicting myself...I said my female friends and I call each other bitch but when a guy says it it's offensive.
If a female says it and it's known she is being disrespectful then its a problem but if its a joke we shrug it off.
The conclusion being either be on one side or the other...however I seem to be stuck in the middle.
In the end if guys thinks it's ok to call females bitches then can we start calling them bitches as well?
Thanks for reading!