Can't Always Get What You Want. . .

"Never get mad over something you never had because everything you want in life isn't always meant to be." - Me 

In my eyes, this is some deep shit. My mind does this all of the time; I just don't always post what I'm thinking. This quote came to my head because my mind became so saturated in thoughts about something I wanted so bad. . .it made me mad that it wasn't going in that direction. I allowed my emotions to get the best of me. I mean I am human - it's normal to to have negative feelings about something that isn't going or didn't go the way you wanted/expected it to go. I came to realize that maybe it just wasn't meant to be, the signs are pointing in a different direction yet I wanted them to point in another. We tend to paint an image in our minds of how we want things to be and then when they take a twisted turn we become angry, bitter, upset and/or many other things. I embrace the fact that things can end up in a complete opposite way than anticipated. Nothing is guaranteed in life and there is no way around that - one only has so much control  - it's just inevitable. So much energy is spent concentrating on things that God doesn't have in store, yet one may want it so bad they focus on it, this is where " letting go and letting God " comes into play. A lot of people try to " force " things to happen but then the question arises : Is this happening because it's suppose to or because I forced it to do so? Then later on when it doesn't work out one asks " why? " Patience is very important and so is having faith. EVERYTHING happens for a reason, some of those reasons we are unable to understand or even able to come up with a simple reason, but there IS a reason. Later on down the road we tend to look back and realize what the reason was for a particular situation and come to find out how it WAS suppose to be that way, even though at the time it seemed so wrong. 

I got a little off track with what I wanted to say. . .

getting mad over something you never had will NOT make it yours. Sometimes it takes going through the pain to fully understand there is something better in store. As high as one may aim, you can always aim higher. As I will continue to say - God will place people/things in your life where they NEED to be. So the next time you find yourself using negative energy towards something you NEVER had think about what you COULD have that will be so much better.

As my grandfather says:

"You can't always get what you want but you'll get what you need!"


Thanks for reading! 



Anonymous said…
love it

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