Trust - (n.) reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
1. certainty, belief, faith. Trust, assurance, confidence imply a feeling of security. Trust implies instinctive unquestioning belief in and reliance upon something: to have trust in one's parents. Confidence implies conscious trust because of good reasons, definite evidence, or past experience: to have confidence in the outcome of events. Assurance implies absolute confidence and certainty: to feel an assurance of victory. 8. commitment, commission. 17. credit. 19. entrust.
via - Definition(s) of the word trust
So many people want it some thrive for it and some couldn'y care less. Ever since I can remember it's always been " i dont trust anyone " but if you really look at everyday life you will see we trust easily and although it may be something minute it is still trust. Think about something as simple as approaching a door that is being held open by someone you may or may not know. You have a few options walk through the door , dont walk through the door or let the person holding it walk through first. Now this may seem silly but trusting is that simple. There is no telling if the person holding the door is plotting to do something but the decision to walk through the door is up to you. They could trip you, let the door hit you, let you walk through the door or anything you could imagine. I know you may be thinking " that doesnt mean i trust them " but it does .
The phrase about it being hard to trust is true, however, I feel keeping trust is much harder . Once you trust someone you expect certain things from them and possibly believe they would never do you wrong.
Something as simple as walking through a door can show we all trust we just don't realize how easy we do so. Even when walking through the door you may not be thinking you trust that person but subconciously you are . . .trusting. Trust is trust no matter what level . The level determines how much is " allowed " or " tolerable " in some instances . You dont have to know someone to trust them just allowing them to do anything for/to you shows trust.
Don't be bitter because your trust was violated.
Forgive & move on as the worst thing to do is carry a grudge. A grudge only inhibits happiness. Everyone isn't meant to be in your life nor are they capable of doing so . . .
Now in an *obvious tone* there are people that dont trust and still deal with someone but that topic is for a different blog .
What is my purpose for writing this blog?
Nothing, I just love to write and people listen :-)
I could elaborate more on this subject however at this point in time - short is enough .
Comments/feedback/topic suggestions always appreciated!
or email me at:
1. certainty, belief, faith. Trust, assurance, confidence imply a feeling of security. Trust implies instinctive unquestioning belief in and reliance upon something: to have trust in one's parents. Confidence implies conscious trust because of good reasons, definite evidence, or past experience: to have confidence in the outcome of events. Assurance implies absolute confidence and certainty: to feel an assurance of victory. 8. commitment, commission. 17. credit. 19. entrust.
via - Definition(s) of the word trust
So many people want it some thrive for it and some couldn'y care less. Ever since I can remember it's always been " i dont trust anyone " but if you really look at everyday life you will see we trust easily and although it may be something minute it is still trust. Think about something as simple as approaching a door that is being held open by someone you may or may not know. You have a few options walk through the door , dont walk through the door or let the person holding it walk through first. Now this may seem silly but trusting is that simple. There is no telling if the person holding the door is plotting to do something but the decision to walk through the door is up to you. They could trip you, let the door hit you, let you walk through the door or anything you could imagine. I know you may be thinking " that doesnt mean i trust them " but it does .
The phrase about it being hard to trust is true, however, I feel keeping trust is much harder . Once you trust someone you expect certain things from them and possibly believe they would never do you wrong.
Something as simple as walking through a door can show we all trust we just don't realize how easy we do so. Even when walking through the door you may not be thinking you trust that person but subconciously you are . . .trusting. Trust is trust no matter what level . The level determines how much is " allowed " or " tolerable " in some instances . You dont have to know someone to trust them just allowing them to do anything for/to you shows trust.
Don't be bitter because your trust was violated.
Forgive & move on as the worst thing to do is carry a grudge. A grudge only inhibits happiness. Everyone isn't meant to be in your life nor are they capable of doing so . . .
Now in an *obvious tone* there are people that dont trust and still deal with someone but that topic is for a different blog .
What is my purpose for writing this blog?
Nothing, I just love to write and people listen :-)
I could elaborate more on this subject however at this point in time - short is enough .
Thanks for reading !
* kisses
or email me at: