Dear Diary Edition: Inspired by the "D"
I'm around. Never any excuses. Being a single mommy is a full-time job with triple overtime, no days off. I know I should be posting more, I see the hits still coming and I appreciate you all for continuously checking in to see if there are new posts and sharing old ones. Much love to you! I have an entire notebook that I could post but it comes down to a feeling for me. The process of me posting has been limited because life is distracting. Time management is everything. I am not going to get all into that discussion right now, I just want to shine a little light, metaphorically, if you will. I Love inspiration and sometimes it hits you in a way that brings out something you've been wanting to come out but too distracted to focus on. Let it be a person, place, song or whatever, when something hits you it makes you move. When you feel frustrated and as if nothing is working and then BAM something hits your being and makes you move. For me in this example, I have been writing and leaving scribes uncompleted. I sit and really try to write but as I said, life can be distracting. The best stuff comes when it is free to flow, never forced. Recently I was inspired by someone which ignited my urge to write freely. Something like an early 00s high school Floetry flow but short and sweet. So I just wanted to take some time to post. I hope someone is inspiring you! Enjoy. .
I feel a connection.
A soft type of aggression pulling me,
even though you're not here I can still feel
your en-er-gy.
I want you inside-of-me.
Inside my mind that is.
To walk freely and ask anything you want about what-you-see
And to explore the depths of my thoughts
Trust me it gets real deep,
But before you enter, please wash your hands, wipe your feet
Open your mind
I guarantee satisfaction
As long as you take your time.
I'm just a free spirit overloaded with compassion
I've been through some shit
I know I'm highly favored, the one.
I have no doubt in me but this isn't about persuasion
Its about exploration.
Caressing every angle with out even touching
You can't prepare for everything that I hold
But patience and finesse
Will get you the best, truth be told. .
You seem like you're ready.
So go ahead and enter young King
See what lies behind my third eye, if you think you're ready for the ride of your life.
To the "D" . .Thank your for inspiring me, for now or future times, thank you for shaking me up.
Thanks for reading!