The Pain Runs Deep
There are so many out in the world hurting, wishing someone would care about them, wishing someone could relate to what they are going through. We are all battling something, the only difference is some can't control their scars from being seen while others have the ability to hide them better.
The fact of the matter is that no one is better than the other, we all bleed just the same. You are who you are and they are who they are; even though we may carry similarities as another none of us are the same. Each of us was given our own mind and vision of reality in order to carry out whatever it is that we are here to accomplish. There is so much information we have been given that does not coincide with how we can live our best life as our greatest self. Many of us get so far from who we are, from the truth, that we don't want to accept the facts. The fact is we need more love. When you turn on the television there is a lot of negativity from the news to reality shows being aired and then you hop online to see even more negativity. Not to mention everything these days is a joke. That is a huge issue within society, we are stuck with our face in our phones, addicted to television and things that slow us down from growing and gaining knowledge. These tools we have are not being utilized for the greater good. People choose to communicate from another room through a text message rather than getting up and having a conversation. People get lost in context through text messages rather than calling the person to get a full understanding of what is being said. It's sad. It's sad that we have gotten so far from ourselves that many don't see the need to change. To add more to it, what are we teaching future generations? Our children are supposed to be molded to be leaders and to achieve things we could never imagine. We talk down on younger generations but guess who raised them and are an example? We love to speak on younger generations and how lost they are but what are we doing to show them how to do and be better? I am not excluded from raising a confused eyebrow at some of the things generations younger than me do but I had to really consider why. I mean did we give up on instilling morals and values? Have we given up responsibility for raising our children and replaced it with technology? Where did it all go wrong? The one thing that is for sure is the pain is being passed from generation to generation and the "curse" needs to be broken. Our children should benefit from the life we have lived before them not bear our burdens. There are many things considered a distraction as parents go along with their day, however, those distractions such as video games and social media become a true lifestyle and teacher. In order to ease some of the pain I believe it is necessary to be more hands on and as I said share more love. That is not to say a parent who is not more hands on does not love their child(ren) it is just to say the way it is shown and applied needs to be more direct. If we continue to allow our children to be taught by what they see and find on their own they will continue to make decisions based off of those things. I would never tell anyone they are raising their child(ren) wrong but I will say I understand why many are going down the road they are on. Lets stop letting the hurt we have endured be passed down to others.They cycle can only end once responsibility has been taken for what is going on.
Leave your ideas in the comments below stating how we can stop this pain from being passed on and what we can do to create a better future!
Thanks for reading!