Dear Diary Edition: Last Night
There are times when enough is just enough. Instead of making excuses and dismissing what is not aligning with your journey, you have to accept the facts of what is and make a wise decision of how to move forward. Sometimes moving forward requires letting go.
There are many times we express being done with a person or a situation but the truth is our hearts do not always agree with our gut feeling. It is okay to go through the motions, however, it is crucial to not get to the point where you have drained yourself so much that you cannot function enough to make good decisions for you. I have always been one to give so much of myself but as I continue to grow and understand who I truly am, I realize that although I am doing right in being of love, I am not doing right by putting myself second. The question I continuously ask myself when considering helping someone is, how can I truly help someone if I am not helping myself first? In life there will be some inevitable situations that arise where one must push aside their problems to help someone else. The greatest thing we can do for ourselves is find the proper balance as to where we can help others but also remain steadfast in our own world. With that being said it was important for me to write something similar to an affirmation regarding giving less energy to situations that require little to none.
I am making this the last night.
The last night for tears
The last night wondering why, why does it have to be this way.
The last night pondering how I could give the best part of me and it still not be enough
The last night wondering how such a beautiful being can be brought into this world and have no change or effect on the other person who matters to them the most
These tears aren't of sadness, they are from being fed up with being fed up!
This is the last night of me saying it is the last night.
Although I recorded this song several years ago I still feel as though it is and will always be relevant. Love will definitely Ease The Pain. Love is something that will never die and you can never have too much of it. We all go through situations where we question love or if it is even real, I believe it is not about love but the actions we take when in any type of relationship. Sometimes we just need to Check Ourselves in order to deal with the facts instead of the emotions. They say I am a hopeless romantic but maybe, just maybe I am a realist when it comes to love. The world may never know but that is my word and I am sticking to it!
Thanks for reading!