Know Your Potential and Embrace It!

Potential – 
(Adj.) capable of being or becoming
(Noun) a latent excellence or ability that may or may not be developed

“I don’t like to brag but just know that I know what I am capable of and I know my potential.” --- That is my word and I’m sticking to it.

My reason for saying this is because I do know my capabilities and I know my potential exceeds that but I’m all about action, showing what you can do and then showing how much better you can do it is more powerful in my eyes. Besides the fact that people take bragging the wrong way I don’t really see the need to constantly talk about what I can do well but rather what I am capable of doing. It’s cool to share your capabilities but people tend to get stuck on what they can do. There is no need to concentrate on how good you are now but how much better you can be - leading to the title of this piece “Know Your Potential and Embrace It.” As humans we tend to get excited about something we do well and become comfortable with just that instead of thinking of ways to excel and ameliorate those capabilities. One thing that bothers me about some people is when they have a gift and they don’t use it. What is the reason for not using a talent you have ESPECIALLY if you aren’t doing anything with your life? Some people don’t even know they have the potential to climb to another level they just do what they do and remain in a neutral state such as: this is what I do and I am comfortable so I will continue to do it. Knowing your potential can be very cogent in your life and if you are able, then why not? Unless of course you aren’t interested in the gift that you possess…but then you must think about how you can take your gift and turn it into something that you actually enjoy doing. Also remember it's not up to anyone else to decide how far you can go only God can be the judge of that but you must know your capabilities and embrace your potential. I always say I want to go at everything I am interested in doing because years from now I don’t want to look back and think “what if I would have…” so going towards it will enable me to not only learn new things about life but also new things about me as a person. Trying things and exploring can expand your mental and enable you to see things you never saw before. Conform to one of the most well-known sayings: “step outside the box.” Just think about something you do that makes you happy, now imagine that happiness being turned up even more, picturing that makes you smile doesn’t it? You can always be happier than you are but you can never be too happy.

I didn’t want to make this piece too long and recently I came up with something that I feel is a powerful statement so I am going to end with this:

Know what you can do and be in competition with yourself.

Thanks for reading!




Anonymous said…
Well well Peachy've done it again! That sounds like me...actions speak louder than words! Don't talk about it be about This is a good topic, it makes you think, sit back and analyze your life. You're right I don't wanna be 40 thinkin back on all of my shoulda coulda woulda's lol. I think thats why alot of parents tend to live their life thru their childrens because they found their comfort zone when they were growing up, never stepped out, and by the time they realized it it was too late....I can honestly say you do go @ everything and you go @ it HARD! I don't know how you be having the time to work 2 jobs, go to class, be a mommys girl, sing, write, and model...shit and still have enough time to but anywho can I steal you're quote "know what you can do and be in competition with yourself" i'll credit you ;p
Anonymous said…
niyce. i like this. points out good qualities and has good structure in the content and in refrence to the everyday life of individuals in society. its clear that this message brings inspiration along with a motive to encourage anyone to follow thier ambition. Good work miss peaches.
Miss Daja said…
i love the way you put that..
i have a few talents..i dont think i exceed them like i should. sometimes i get scared and dont think im as good as ppl tell me. sometimes i think i should be much further than i am but i can only blame myself for not puttin 100% into everything i do. i think my biggest problem is my lack of motivation for myself. i need it daily and i always come up with new ideas i can never stick to one...ugh!
but this was a great post..something we all need to hear

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