Dear Diary Edition: Mother's Day



Where do I start? This weekend has been very rough for me and my siblings for several different reasons, the main reason being our mother wasn't with us during this very special weekend. It has been six months since she passed away and it feels like it was just yesterday that I watched her take her last breath as her soul drifted off to Paradise. On saturday my younger sister graduated Cum Laude from WCU and there were many cheers and many smiles but still a deep sadness wishing our mother was around to see her babygirl graduate. Last year on this day we were out eating with my mother rocking her cute red dress and this year she is at PEACE up in the sky with her God. I am very, very, very thankful my mother always let us know how much she loved and cared about us, no matter what was going on she made sure we knew that if nothing else. I took a stance from a very young age becoming a "mommys girl" and even through all the negative times she was my homie, my bestfriend and I am so very thankful for God allowing me to connect with her and learn many things that allowed me to handle grown-up things in the right way as a child Ultimately helping me be so strong as an adult.

To my mother, Mommy, I love and miss you more than I will ever be able to put fully into words. My heart is so hurt without you, I think about you all the time. . .thank you for everything, you really were my angel on earth and now you are my angel up high.
Happy Mother's Day, I Love You!
                                    Rest In Paradise!



I pray others have the opportunity to have some kind of relationship with their mother becuse it is a very important aspect in life. A mother's love is beyond any love that any person could give someone, it is a connection that is a beautiful gift that should be recognized as such. Everyone doesn't have that kind of relationship in which I shared with my mother but if your mother is still alive I encourage you to cherish that relationship as much as you can. For those that do not have a good relationship with their mother I pray you find a way to be encouraged to make that connection

I wish all the mothers and mothers-to-be a Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy this day you deserve it!

Thanks for reading!

Comments/feedback/topic suggestions always appreciated!
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JsophisticatedJ said…
Love it! I admire your strength and just know I'm always here if you need me. I miss her too but I know she's in a much better place free of pain and drama.
Miss Daja said…
This brought tears to my eyes. I am proud of you for taking a step forward with being able to express your emotions and share your feelings with us. I commend you for continuing to be strong in this tough time in your life. You are a blessing to others whether you realize it or not. Your words will definitely help someone want to have a better relationship with their mother or possibly help them overcome the loss of theirs as well.

I love you.

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