Cellf Love Affirmation

What is an affirmation? 
 Affirmation - noun 1. The action or process of affirming something or being affirmed. 2. Emotional support or encouragement.

Affirmations are good for planting seeds of cellf love into the subconscious. These can be said at any time of the day or night. Remember that anything you are listening to is going into your mind, whether you want it to or not. Be kind to your mental. 

Affirmations are a great way to input things into the mind. I love listening to positive things and I thought "why not record my own?" What better voice to hear than your own! This is short yet very powerful. It is important to express cellf love every day, to put this reminder into the air so that we can remember what we are here for which is to understand who we are and practice eellf love daily!

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