Frustration - Negativity

Function: n

1 : a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs

Everyone goes through it, some stay in the state longer than others. No one person can tell when such a feeling will arise but once it hits one will surely know it is there. Staying positive is so important and I cannot stress that enough. Negativity brings people down and even if you are just being negative to yourself, your attitude and/or actions can and will affect other people
.I don't know about you but I am not perfect and I have had troubles to the point that it affected my mood and towards anyone around me. It wasn't that I was going around being rude to people but my lack of conversation and/or smiles enabled others to know something is wrong. I'm sure you have had a time such as this and what did you do? Perhaps turned that frown upside down and tried your best to appear in a good mood. I feel ya, I have done it many times and it's draining. I am learning everyday and I understand that I am not always going to be super excited with how things go BUT I can help my mood by remaining positive instead of focusing on all the negativity, it's just hard when there is so much of it surrounding. I spoke with someone recently and they were telling me how there is so much negative sometimes they feel they can't go on. This hit my heart hard and made me sad because I have been there before. I felt like things would never get better but somehow God always pulls me through which is why I am so grateful for what I have. I sometimes complain about the amount of pressure/stress that I carry on a daily basis but I am so blessed and there is NO overlooking that.
I explaind to that person that times can get so hard to the point where there seems there is no way out but you just have to keep keepin' on. Then they went on to say how outside influences only make their mood worse and my suggestion on that waws focus on YOU, you can listen to what people have to say but that doesn't mean that you have to do as they say. There are no repercussion to not following other's suggestions but there is a reprecussion when you follow what everyone else wants you to do and you fail to recognize what you need to do for you. Negativity is inevitable but surrounding yourself with positive people and maintaining a positive mindset can go such a long way. the one thing that I learned as well is when you surround yourself with positive people you realize how few you already have around you, it's a shame but such is life. Live For You and if you need help understanding what that means then click here Live for YOU for that blog :)
Question's to my reader's:
1. How do you deal with negativity?
2. What kind of differences do you see in your life when you try to avoid negativity/drama?
3.When do you decide enough negativity is enough?
I am on my lunch break at work but I don't want me not blogging to become a habit. Commens/feedback/topic suggestions always appreciated! you can post on here with your name or anonymously or you can send me an email

Thanks for reading!


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