Music: Broken - @NettaBrielle

Everyone has experienced some form of heartbreak, all the pain can be overcome but the vent is what helps. Sometimes putting what our heart feels into words is just enough to give us what we need. Netta Brielle did just that and you hear the reality of her words in her voice. With much conviction she holds back nothing on this track.

 I appreciate lyrics so much, all the words may not apply in this song but the connection is strong and so real! Just wanted to share this, I absolutely Love this song and I hope you do too!

and I'm telling you, this girl is broken
she will never be the same, and he'll be the blame
and I'm telling you that this girl is so angry
and quite frankly it's sad to see her hurt so bad
and when she cries, you can see an image of her pain
in every teardrop oooh when she cries 
you just want to wish the pain away
if it was that easy

Broken - @NettaBrielle


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