Why disregard negative emotions?

Written March 2015. For some reason when I made an edit to this piece it reposted it instead of updating the older post. I see it as a sign it needs to be in the forefront.

Too often we are shunned from speaking on negative feelings regarding situations or people. I'm not sure where this excerpt came from but it pretty much sums up why it is not healthy to ignore negative emotions.
I have tried on many occasins to explain this subject matter but most feel they should not speak on anything negative. All it takes is one sentence from this piece to give sound reasoning to support the topic which is "Without feeling the emotional pain that inevitably arises from various setbacks in our lives, we will never be driven to change things for the better for ourselves and for others." In no way is this saying just be a Debbie Downer or walk around complaining all the time, what it is saying is those negative emotions can drive us more than set us back. It reminds me of the saying "the rain makes you appreciate the sun." This applies as long as we are embracing these negative emotions in the correct manner. Sometimes it can be very irritating for someone to say "stop being negative" when really it is just a vent to get past those feelings and go on the way towards something better. At the end of the day there is NOTHING that can stop YOU but YOU! It seems hard for many to not own up to and face the fact that your actions are yours and yours alone. One thing I have learned in life is that no one can make you act a certain way. If someone does something to you, you have the ability to react in whichever way you choose. Just because someone does something that makes you upset doesn't mean that you should act out in that same manner. Now that I am older and have been through so much I look back and realize how I let my emotions overpower the importance of my actions. "You made me this way" is an excuse to not own up to your own actions! If someone does something foul to you, you can be the bigger person and NOT retaliate. It seems many would agree that they place the aftermath of their actions upon others but the reality is it's not OK nor is it an excuse. Everything we go through is all about balance but how can we feel the good without experiencing the bad? It's great to be happy and positive but it isn't healthy to bottle up negative emotions. You can front and pretend you are always happy and positive but that will never hide what you feel inside and those feelings matter the most. Acting out every time you feel something negative is not a way of dealing, however, there is no need to hide the fact that you feel something negative. Bottling emotions only eventually sends one over their boiling point or into a lane of a breakdown. Do not try to read in between these lines, this is not saying be negative it is simply saying don't try to hide and bury those feelings. Recognize the feeling and get past it, do not hold on to it. There's a healthy way to get past negative emotiins it just takes self control and the ability to let go. I hope you find your balance, your peace.  .I know I'm working on finding mine!

Thanks for reading!


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